vb中如何在数据文件加密码 vb 文件夹加密

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文章摘要:vb中如何在数据文件加密码 vb 文件夹加密

通过使用以下vb函数,对数据文件进行加密,代码如下: Option Explicit Dim i As Lon […]


Option Explicit

Dim i As Long

Dim databuff As Byte //定义数组用于存放文件内容

Dim addbuff As Byte //定义数组用于存放加密后的文件内容

Dim password As Byte //定义数组用于存放密码的ASCII值

Dim filename As String

Private Sub Check1_Click

If Check1.Value Then //控制是否显示全部文件

File1.Pattern = "."


File1.Pattern = ".txt"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click

Dim j As Integer

Dim password_len As Integer

password_len = LenText2.Text

ReDim passwordpassword_len As Byte

For i = 0 To password_len - 1 //把密码转化为ASCII码

password i = AscMidText2.Text i + 1 1


If filename = "" Then Exit Sub

Open filename For Binary As #1 //读取要加密的文件内容

ReDim databuffLOF1

Get #1 databuff

Close #1

ReDim addbuffUBounddatabuff As Byte

For i = 0 To UBound databuff

If j >= password_len Then //循环使用密码

j = 0


j = j + 1

End If

addbuff i = databuff i Xor password j //进行异或运算


Open filename For Binary As #1 //把加密后的内容写入文件

Put #1 addbuff

Close #1

Text1 = StrConvaddbuff vbUnicode //显示加密后的文件内容

Text2.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click


End Sub

Private Sub Dir1_Change

File1.Path = Dir1.Path //与文件列表框相关联

End Sub

Private Sub Drive1_Change

On Error GoTo a0

Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive //与目录列表框相关联

a0 If Err Then MsgBox ErrorErr '发生错误,提示错误内容

End Sub

Private Sub File1_Click //单击文件时,显示文件内容

filename = Dir1.Path + File1.filename

If filename = "" Then Exit Sub

Open filename For Binary As #1

ReDim databuff LOF 1

Get #1 databuff

Close #1

Text1 = StrConv databuff vbUnicode

End Sub

文章名称:vb中如何在数据文件加密码 vb 文件夹加密

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